The Real Deal America with Charles Wallshein and Steven Schwartz

The Real Deal America with Charles Wallshein and Steven Schwartz
Live Saturdays 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM on 970 The Apple

Monday, June 13, 2011

Still taking bites out of the Weiner

America can't get enough Weiner

The country has gone crazy led by the Anthony Weiner story that will not get off of the airwaves. From 24-hour news sources, the blogosphere and conservative talk radio (Sean HannityMark LevinCurtis Sliwa) the news has been all Weiner all of the time!

So what did Anthony Weiner do? Did he do anything that many people don't do? Only he stepped a little over the line particularly as a public figure? Did he commit a crime? Errors in judgement ARE NOT CRIMES or else we would all be in JAIL.

The reality is that Anthony Weiner may be  suffering from the affliction now commonly known as Impulsive Flirtation Disorder or IFD. 

This affliction was first coined by  Charlie Wallsehin and Steven Schwartz, co-hosts of the radio show THE REAL DEAL AMERICA, AM 970 “The Apple”, on Saturday, June 11.
What is Impulsive Flirtation Disorder (IFD)?

This is the condition where men and even women go on social media sites and by picture alone friend and reach out to people across the country they don't know personally, may never know personally, and probably will never meet.  

Impulsive Flirtation Disorder, when it is between consenting adults, is for the most part a victimless affliction, but one that can be extremely dangerous if someone is a public figure and the affliction they suffer from becomes public.

Like many before him who have gone for treatment to address sex addiction, he may need to seek treatment for Impulsive Flirtation Disorder whether it is through analysis or with medications like Flirticillin or Putzban.

There is hope for men like Anthony Weiner suffering from IFD, but for now the country should get back to the bigger fish we have to fry like the economy, jobs and national security.

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