The Real Deal America with Charles Wallshein and Steven Schwartz

The Real Deal America with Charles Wallshein and Steven Schwartz
Live Saturdays 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM on 970 The Apple

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Real Deal America Show Debut! Saturday, May 14th on AM 970 - The Apple

Once again, welcome to THE REAL DEAL AMERICA blog.

My name is Charles Wallshein, and my goal is to let every American know what is really going on in Washington and on Wall Street concerning the financial crisis we are all suffering through.

My radio show, The Real Deal America, is kicking off Saturday, May 14, on AM 970 – The Apple from 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM EST. If you don't live in the immediate listening area do not worry! Simply go to AM 970 - The Apple here, and click on Listen Live in the toolbar at the top of the page.

If you are a homeowner or if you know any homeowners you need to tune in and listen! Your home may depend on it!

There is a major problem, and we need to be the solution

I don’t think there is anyone who hasn’t been affected by our ailing economy. Every household is feeling the bite. I built my career helping people turn their dreams into realities just to see all our hard work disappear as if it never existed.

I am heartbroken and mad as hell that the supposed “stewards” of our financial system used and abused hardworking Americans to the point that we can’t sleep at night for fear of our families’ economic ruin.

What makes me even more incensed is that the people we elect to protect us are selling us down the river wholesale in the name of political compromise with the institutions who raped us of our future and our security.

I believe that the government is failing us. I believe that Wall Street has amassed such influence in our government, to the detriment of the entire middle class, that we are truly at a crossroads in our nation’s future.

This is no ordinary recession. Government’s plan is to continue funding the same failed policies and institutions that brought us here. It has to stop and it has to stop now!

The world of finance seems terribly complex and confusing. But it isn’t as complicated as it appears. I will explain the system in plain English so it makes sense to everyone who takes the time to listen.

We are still a nation of laws not men. Now is the time to fight back.


This is our time, our war, our fight. We can do this together.
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1 comment:

  1. Great show Charlie!

    You for sure the first, of all the banking folks I knew then, to explain what was happening and to warn me of what was to come.

    You're certainly not politically correct, but you happen to mostly be correct.

    I hope you help millions of folks and the listen, because you actually know the real deal!
