The Real Deal America with Charles Wallshein and Steven Schwartz

The Real Deal America with Charles Wallshein and Steven Schwartz
Live Saturdays 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM on 970 The Apple

Friday, May 6, 2011

An open letter to President Obama

A Letter to My President

Dear Mr. Obama,

            There are certain moments in a person’s life that remain memorable. One of those moments for me was sitting at my kitchen table election night 2008, to witness one of America’s defining moments, your election to the office of President.

            I voted for you. Not because you are an African-American, but rather because your election to office represented the possibility for hope and for change. I am well aware that the President has limited powers under the constitution and that after all our presidents are not dictators. On the other hand, the President has an unlimited power and ability to provide leadership. I must tell you that I am a little disappointed in your exercise of that power.

I cannot possibly fathom the political challenges you face every day. This is a very big country and there are a lot of people with conflicting interests. The peaceful process of working out deals among the thousands of different and conflicting interests is the heart of our democracy and the real source of our freedom. However, it has become apparent to me that a certain group has taken control of our country in the most insidious manner to the detriment of the nation and its future.

I refer to the bankers and the others who control our money supply. Any student of economics understands the role of a central bank. This role has been observed as having the potential to make or break nations in ways that no standing army could accomplish. These observations were initially made hundreds of years ago concerning the Bank of England and more recently about our own Federal Reserve. Even though every president and treasury was aware of the inherent dangers in having an unelected body control our money supply and fiscal policy, there was little objection. Over the years objections were heard during times of economic crisis. The crises subsided and prosperity supplanted our memories of those painful and worrisome moments in our lives.  But at what expense?

This crisis is different. This one will not go away. We as a great nation may be at the end of our line unless the structure of our economy changes. The changes I refer to concern the role of the treasury and our central bank. They have both acted irresponsibly in the name of profit for the institutions they represent. Our elected officials never banded together and stopped them, all in the name of political expedience. After all, if it’s not truly broken…

As president you will only hear what your advisors tell you. I, on the other hand, hear and see everything first hand. I see and feel the pain for every American who is suffering this crisis. I am also aware of the fact that the central bank’s plan for the economic cure will only result in a further consolidation of their already immeasurable power. I do not have to tell you what to do. I might suggest, however, that there are more than one hundred million in this country who entrusted you with their lives and the futures of their children. I am one of those people and I continue to have faith in the fact that you know what should be done. We are at a crossroads in our history. This struggle is no different than our revolution against the King, our continuing fight for equality under the law, our fight against all the tyrants who thought Americans did not have the will to fight and die for what we believe in.

We are ready to fight again. This time it is not against a foreign enemy. This fight is against the enemy within. Please take the flag and march your army of loyal and hardworking patriots into battle. We are already dying on this unhallowed battlefield, being buried with neither honor nor blessing. This is our defining moment.  Sir, we beg your leadership. We will not be stopped.

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